What is a Product Detail Page?

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Product detail page definition

Product detail pages are online storefronts of individual products. Their purpose is to highlight every product's features and benefits in a way that encourages an online shopper to make the purchase.

The best product pages have the following details: 

✓ ​​Straightforward product title

✓ Price & available discounts 

✓ Different size & color options 

✓ Relevant labels and tags (e.g. more sustainable products)

✓ Exact measurements (with a link to the size guide)

✓ Materials and components, along with care instructions

✓ Informative description showing off unique product features 

Delivery information

​​✓ Cross-selling and upsselling deals

✓ Customer reviews 

✓ High-quality images and videos

Product page example from Uniqlo

Without product details pages, shopping online would be much more difficult. Just imagine entering your favorite e-commerce store and seeing only one “storefront” — a massive list of all the products in one place. No detailed descriptions, no photos showing the products in use. 

E-commerce product pages benefit both online shoppers and merchants.

Product detail page as part of the shopping journey

Every product detail page forms an important part of the shopping journey.  A lot depends on the context, though. 

A first-time customer might start their shopping journey with Google to look for something specific, but not in any particular store. Then, they eventually land on a product page and get familiar with the e-comm brand and its assortment. 

On the other hand, the journey will look much different if the shopper has seen the product in a physical store. Or, they might already be familiar with the brand and land on a product page when browsing the homepage, category pages, or using the search funtion in the online store.

No matter the context, product detail pages should be well-designed, accesssible, optimized for SEO, and convincing. For more examples and best practices, take a look at the resources below. 

Additional resources

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